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n a city, people live close together. Often cosy, but sometimes your neighbours can also bother you. Living close together also means you hear each other. Sometimes it is the flushing of the toilet or going up and down the stairs. While this can be annoying, it is not a nuisance. We don't all live the same way, try to be understanding.


Sometimes it happens that your neighbours are a real nuisance. Usually, you can solve this yourself. Talk about it with your neighbours and find a solution together.


Unable to do so? Then take a look at Nijestee's website. Here you will find more information and a form to report nuisance.


Nuisance and Care hotline
In the Municipality of Groningen, you can report nuisance and/or concerns to the Nuisance and Concern Reporting Point. This applies to the immediate living environment and areas on municipal land. You will find more information below.